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GUBERNA Home of Governance Talks - Prof. dr. Katleen De Stobbeleir - 13 October 2020
Katleen De Stobbeleir - Do you think JUMP has a role to play in enabling change in gender equality?
Katleen De Stobbeleir - What changes are needed to further women's participation in the economy?
Katleen De Stobbeleir - The link between performance and well being in women's careers?
What kind of Leadership do we need in a challenging period?
8 senior leadership insights - Prof Katleen De Stobbeleir
Katleen De Stobbeleir - What is your organisation doing to bring about change in gender equality?
Kateleen De Stobbeleir - From work goals to life goals: building a sustainable career
Philippe Haspeslagh over de GUBERNA Board Evaluation service
Kateleen de Stobbeleir - Tips for organisations to achieve a balance between well-being/performance
What is the CEO disease?
Van Liempt Live: het succes van de boemerang CEO - VAN LIEMPT LIVE